- Spiritual Letter - "Only God Is Good" Page 7 of 7
Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) on the 18th thru the 24th of October, 2001 to Aziza (Bitsy Weiss) Wisdom Point: His Holiness, "There Are No Good People, Only God Is Good"
Outline of This Letter:
Text of This Letter: 1. Opening Prayer
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. Al-hamdu lillah. In sha 'allah, ma sha 'allah. Tawakkal-Allah. Allahumma labbaik.
In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. All praise and praising belong to God and to God alone. If God so wills, whatever God wills. I place my trust in God, and in God alone, and am obedient to His will, and to His will alone.
May all responsibility be given to Allah, the One who is limitless grace, and incomparable love, the One who gives us His blessings. 2. The Nature of True Prayer
My dearest loving sisters Aziza, may we both reflect on these wisdom points a little. May we both join with His Holiness to do this divine work. May we both learn to sit at the feet of His Holiness allowing Him to do the work that only He can do within us, which is to join with God within us to reveal God within True Man within us, and True Man within God within us, by revealing True Man within man within us, by revealing man within the creations of God within us.
Then all of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us will benefit from our having lived, for our having been born within His Holiness, for His Holiness having joined with God to give birth to us as the seed of the oneness of God and True Man, and for God having been joined with His Holiness to make all of this possible.
This is what this child has learned to do, and the rewards are wonderful, for the reward of living this way, at the feet of His Holiness, as a slave of His Holiness, is the life and teaching of His Holiness, and within His life and teaching, is the life and teaching of God. This is true prayer.
For example, one day this child was sitting in the "Room" next to His Holiness, when His Holiness looked at us and said,
"I have not come for you, I have come for your soul. I have come to awaken the wisdom surrounding the soul, so that the wisdom surrounding the soul can do battle with the enemy of the soul."
And when this child heard this, I immediately asked His Holiness,
"Who is the enemy of my soul?".
And His Holiness looked right at me and said,
"You are!"
So who is the enemy of September 11th or of October 7th? Who is at fault? There is only one enemy, there is only one who is always at fault, and that is the enemy of our soul, that is the life of separation and differences that has grown over our soul, the life of darkness that is covering the original life of light within each of us.
Then what happened in New York City, and in Washington D.C. on September 11th, and what is now happening in Afghanistan, and what things of a similar nature might happen again, and again in every corner of the world until the world of separation and differences comes to an end? 3. The Rest of Page 7 - but without an outline
There is only one thing that happens in the world of separation and differences, and that is the fruit of the world of separation and differences, that is the harvest of the things of separation and differences that take seed, germinate, are nourished, grow, and come to maturity in the world of separation and differences.
His Holiness explains this beautifully in Chapter 3, "The Wondrous City", in the book, "A Mystical Journey", page 26, in the following way:
.... beginning of quotation by His Holiness ....
"This city is the world. Whatever the mind needs or desires can be found here. Everything is here - gold, gems, fruits, houses, property - everything. But this demonic beast will eventually destroy it all.
My children, do you know what this demon is? It is the satanic qualities and the evil desires and cravings that grow in people's hearts. It is the egoism of the I and the separatism of I and you.
It is arrogance, karma, illusion, and the qualities of the three sons of illusion, the sexual energies know as tarahan, singhan, and suran. It is lust, anger, miserliness, greed, fanaticism, envy, theft, murder, intoxicants, and falsehood.
This terrible demon is all these things. It contains all the qualities of satan that people develop within the huge jungles of their hearts. Deceit, treachery, and the desire for land, sensual pleasure (woman), and gold, can all be found in these jungles.
The poisonous qualities of spiders, scorpions, and snakes; the inherited qualities of lions, tigers, donkeys, monkeys, cows, and goats; the fecal arrogance of the elephant; even ghosts, jinns, fairies, devils, and the demons inherent in the five elements - all these dwell in the jungles of people's hearts.
The qualities of all the forms in the world rolled up together form this huge demonic beast, which is ready at every second to jump out.
At first it appears to be only a tiny thing, no bigger than an atom, but it grows and grows, until it reaches a monstrous size, and then it attacks and destroys the city of the heart. Because the people who live here have accumulated and nourished the qualities of this beast, destruction has befallen the entire city.
My children, Allah created Adam (A.S.) as a perfect pure form, as a true human being, an insan. But because satan was envious of Adam (A.S.), he spat on him, and the place where that drop of spit fell became man's navel.
It was only a tiny drop of spit, but that one drop was full of envy, pride, arrogance, and jealousy. As those qualities grew bigger and bigger, they developed into a demonic beast, which to this day emerges from within man, destroying him second by second.
When all the satanic qualities man has nurtured erupt from within him, and he becomes this beast, then his original form, that beautiful secret of God, is destroyed. His good qualities, and the goodness that comes from those qualities are ruined. His very life is destroyed.
My children, everything can be found in the world: Allah's benevolent grace, His precious Rahmat, and all the wealth from the world of souls, this world, and the hereafter. But man does not understand the value of these treasures.
Forgetting that he will die one day, he continues to nurture the evil qualities which destroy him. It is important for man to remember and understand that both good and evil, khair and sharr, exist here, and they are within Allah's trust, His tawakkul.
The goodness is the taste of Allah; it is His wealth and He is responsible for it, it cannot be destroyed. The evil is the taste of hell, it is the creation, the world, and Allah has discarded it.
My precious children, every person in this city must drive the wicked animal qualities out of the house of his own heart. Every person must clear his heart and make it resonate with La ilaha ill-Allahu: There is nothing other than You, O God, only You are Allah.
When the resonance of the One of praise resplends within each man's heart, then this city will be filled with God's benevolent grace.
The man who can fill his heart in that way will no longer need to be afraid, because the evil animals will not come near him when they hear the resonance of "Allahu Akbar! God is Great!" If they do approach, they will be burned by that benevolent grace and run away.
Then, for him, this world will be changed into the hereafter, and the hereafter will be changed into this world. His heart will become Allah's heart of benevolent grace, and His house will be the light-filled house of Allah's boundless grace, the 'arshul-mu'min, the throne of the true believer."
.... end of quotation by His Holiness ....
My dearest sister Aziza, this is what happened on September 11th, this is what happened in the 1st and 2nd world wars, this is what has and is happening in the middle east over the last 50 years, this is what has happened in all of the wars that people have been fighting for the last 200 million years, and this is what is happening currently in Afghanistan, and within each of our hearts - the battle of good over evil, the battle of truth over falsehood, and in that battle, in accordance with the justice of God, injustice destroys injustice, and truth and justice saves those with faith in God.
His Holiness explains this beautifully in the Preface to the book "Maya Veeram or The Forces of Illusion", on page xiv, where His Holiness teaches us that,
"Every human being must strengthen his faith to understand the final destruction, to know how injustice will ultimately destroy injustice, and how truth and justice will save those with faith in God."
So what are we to do at this time? There is only one thing to do at this time, at anytime. We have to strengthen our faith and trust in God, we have to start to believe and trust in God and only in God, and we have to see how we have put our faith and trust in things other than God, how we have put our faith and trust in ourselves, in each other, in the institutions of man, in our country, in our family, in our religions or groups, and in everything other than God.
We have to realize how we are currently nourishing the lives of separation and differences within our very own hearts, the lives of injustice within us, that are all being continuously destroyed within us by injustice, by other lives of injustice, one life eating the other, so new lives of injustice, of separation and differences, can be born, grow, be nourished, and die, or be eaten, all within the justice of God.
We have to realize how we are nourishing these live of separation and differences, these lives of injustice within us, with our every look of separation, our every thought of separation, our every intention of separation, as well as our prayers of separation, and our duties of separation.
For as His Holiness teaches us, "What separates us from God is what separates us from each other, and what separates us from each other is what separates us from God."
Like this, we have to realize without the slightest doubt that the only thing that can help us is God, and that in truth God is oneness, God is the qualities and actions and consciousness of oneness, God is the oneness of man and God, God is the oneness of man and God and all of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us.
We have to realize without the slightest doubt, that God is not separation and differences, God is not any kind of separation or differences, and God is certainly not separation from other people, from other religions, from other races, from other families or countries, and not separation from each other, or separation from any of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us.
We have to realize that the only thing that can save us or anyone is God, is the oneness of God, because the only problem that we have, that anyone has, is our separation from God, our separation from each other, and our separation from the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us. In this way, our problem, and the problem of everyone else, is not poverty, not war, not terrorism, not the global market, not unemployment, not the government, not our children, or our wives, or our husbands, and not hunger, illness, old age, or death, or anything like this.
The only problem that we or anyone else really has is the life of separation and differences that has secretly grown within us and taken over the oneness of God within us, taken over the life of God within us, the life of the soul within us, the life of unity, of peacefulness, of love, and of compassion, that we all had before we grew up, before the age of 3 or 4, before we grew the world of separation and differences within us, and then moved into that world, becoming one with it, letting it take us over, and letting it deceive us and turn us into snakes, scorpions, dogs, foxes, demons, and crazy men.
Like that, the only thing that can save the world is God. Not anything else - not us as separate from God, not our institutions as separate from God, not our religions as separate from God, not our scriptures as separate from God, and not our prayers as separate from God and separate from each other, and certainly not our effort or duty as separate from God and separate from each other.
Because all of these things are the problem, not the cure. All of these things are the fruits, the harvest, of the crop of separation and differences that has secretly grown within us, all of these things are the harvest of the crop that we have sown, and continue to sow, in our ignorance of "who we are", of "who God is", and of "the true relationship between man and God", all of these things, all of these lives of injustice that have grown within us, all of these lives of separation and differences, are continuously being destroyed by injustice, by other lives of injustice within us, by other lives of separation and differences within us. Such is the justice of God.
We must realize that all that we do separate from God, and separate from each other is injustice, nourishing the lives of injustice, the lives of separation and differences within us.
Because in truth we are not separate from God, we are not separate from each other, and we are not separate from any of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us, because in truth there is only one God, one prayer, one religion, one family, one creation, and one life. And this one life is the one life of God, and within the one life of God, is the one life of True Man.
In this way, the one life of True Man is within the one life of God, and the one life of God is within the one life of True Man, and as such they are One, One within the other as One, One always revealing the other within it, and One always hiding itself within the other, as it reveals the other. This is the prayer of the One to the One who Is. This is the state of Man-God/God-Man, the state of Allahu Ill Allahu.
This is our true destiny, our true heritage as the children of Adam (A.S.), the oneness of True Man and God, not the life of separation and differences that we are now claiming as "who we are", not the life of injustice that will ultimately be destroyed by injustice, by other lives of injustice, all within the justice of God.
My dearest loving sisters Aziza, may we both realize this without the slightest doubt, may we both realize that all that we do separate from this truth of the oneness of man and God is injustice.
May we both realize that all of this work of separation and differences is selfish work, that all of this selfish work is placing our faith and trust in something other than God, that all of this selfish work is but planting, nourishing, growing, and harvesting the fruits of the life of separation and differences, which are but lives of separation and differences within us, lives of injustice within us, that all of this is but the life of "mine" and "your" within us, the life of your race and my race, your religion and my religion, your wife and my wife, your family and my family, your child and my child, your life and my life, and that all of this injustice will eventually be destroy by injustice, all within the justice of God.
My dearest loving sister Aziza, we must realize, without the slightest doubt, that all of this living and dying that we see happening in the world around us, all of this giving birth, growing, living, killing, eating, and all of this being born, being nourished, living, being killed, and being eaten, is within God's justice, because God's justice is that injustice is ultimately destroyed by injustice, that lives of separation and differences are ultimately destroyed by other lives of separation and differences, and that is what September 11th, and October 7th, and everything that has happened in the world before, and after, these dates, is all about.
This is what all that is currently happening in the world that we see outside of "us", is all about. It is all about separation and differences and the justice of God, that injustice ultimately destroys injustice, that lives of separation and differences ultimately destroy and are destroyed by other lives of separation and differences.
Instead of this, my dearest loving sister Aziza, instead of nourishing lives of separation and differences within us, and becoming subject to the justice of God, instead of destroying and being destroyed by other lives of separation and differences, we must join in partnership with God to complete what God has started within us, within True Man within us, which is the life and teaching of His Holiness within us, which is to reveal God within God, by revealing True Man within God, by joining in partnership with His Holiness within us to complete what His Holiness has started within us, within God within us, within each of God's Children within us, which is to reveal True Man within True Man, by revealing God within True Man, and to do this by revealing man within the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us, by revealing True Man within man, and by revealing God within True Man, and in this way, revealing the Oneness of Man and God within Man and God within us.
And all this happens within us, in the same way that an apple tree is revealed within the apple seed, and the apple fruit is then revealed within the apple tree, finally revealing the oneness of the apple seed and the apple tree within the apple fruit.
This is what we must do my dearest loving sisters Aziza, this is what we must all do, we must join with God and True Man within us to harvest the Shaikh out of the Disciple within us, and harvest The Disciple out of the Shaikh within us, re-uniting them as the oneness of True Man and God within us.
In this way, we must join with God to harvest True Man out of God, and God out of True man, and for this age, God has given us the ability to do this through the life and teaching of God for this age, which is the life and teaching of His Holiness, the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which God has personally and lovingly placed within each of us, for this very purpose, within each of His Children for this age.
This is what each of the 124,000 Prophets of God told us when they repeatedly came into the world over the last 200 million years, this is what Adam (A.S.), Noah (A.S.), Abraham (A.S.), Ishmael (A.S.), Moses (A.S.), David (A.S.), Jesus (A.S.), And Muhammad (Sal.) repeatedly said and say, and this is what His Holiness repeatedly said and says, this is what His Holiness teaches us.
And the maturity of this, of the life and teaching of God for this age, of the life and teaching of His Holiness, that has opened within the heart of this child, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, living at the feet of His Holiness, over the last 26 years, is as follows:
As Expanded In English:
Ill Allahu. La ilaha. Muhammad Mustafa Rasul (Sal.). You are True Man. He is One.
Or All in English:
You are God. There is nothing other than You, O God. Muhammad is the Chosen Messenger of God (blessing and peace be upon Him) You are True Man. He is One.
This is what we must do, my loving sister Aziza, with each breath, with each look, with each thought, with each intention. But we must not try to do this alone, we must do this in partnership with True Man and God within us, and for this age that means in partnership with the life and teaching of His Holiness, in partnership with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us.
We must say each part of this prayer with His Holiness, we must say each of the five parts of this prayer of True Man to God, and of God to True Man, by first inviting His Holiness within us, as True Man within God within us, to say the first three parts of it within us (Ill Allahu, La ilaha, Muhammad Mustafa Rasul [Sal.]), which pulls the Primal One within our soul into our heart as Allahu, establishing the Qutb and Muhammad within us, thereby establishing the Triple Flame of God within us - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen.
And then by inviting His Holiness within us, as God within True Man within us, to say the fourth part (You are True Man), establishing True Man within God within us, and finally by inviting His Holiness, as the Oneness of True Man and God within us, to say the fifth part (He is One), affirming the Oneness of the God and True Man within us.
(Bawa) Ill Allahu. (Bawa) La ilaha. (Bawa) Muhammad Mustafa Rasul (Sal.). (Bawa) You are True Man. (Bawa) He is One.
In this way, to do this prayer correctly, to make it work, to make anything in our life work, to make anything that we do actually move our life forward on the path of God, we must start each thing by inviting True Man within God within us, and by inviting God within True Man within us.
By inviting His Holiness within us, to come out of the secret place within us, out of the Sirr within us, out the secret place of True Man and God within us, out of the tiny growth spot within us that is no bigger than an atom, like the tiny growth spot within the apple seed, to come out of the place within us called Akhirah, or the hereafter, to come out of the place within us called the innermost heart, the Qalb, the Kingdom of God, the 8th Heaven or Firdaus within us.
Which is the place within us that we cannot see with our mind or feel with our desire, and join with us in each of the things that we see, hear, smell, taste, feel, think, know, understanding, and are trying to do, or have experienced, so that these things that we do, and have done, or are going to do, will be of true value in our life, will help move us forward on the path of God, will help more our soul forward on the journey of the soul, and not be just a part of our dream of separation and differences, a dream whose only true value is in its ending.
In this way, we must invite True Man and God within us to join with us within our life of separation and differences, to join with us within our mind and desire, in order to overcome our separations and differences, in order to overcome our mind and desire, in order to open up the secret place within us, the Sirr within us, the innermost heart within us, the Qalb with us, the Kingdom of God within us, the 8th Heaven or Firdaus within us.
In this way, before we do anything, start it with the word, "Bawa", and then do it, start it with the faith and trust that His Holiness, that True Man and God within us, is there completing our intention, completing our intention which gradually through living at the feet of His Holiness, through our understanding of the life and teaching of His Holiness, becomes His intention, becomes the intention of His Holiness, becomes the intention of True Man and God within us, not our intention, becomes "His presence" not "our presence", becomes the "presence of True Man and God" within us not "our" presence, thereby completing True Man's Intention within God within us, which is to reveal God within True Man, thereby completing God's intention within True Man within us, which is to reveal True Man within God.
There is nothing else to do, my dearest loving sister Aziza, because nothing else is really happening. For in truth True Man is always happening within God within us, and God is always happening within True Man within us, if we will only let it happen within us, if we will only join it in its happening within, if we will only believe in it within us, without any doubt, if we will only believe that this is in truth all that is every really happening within us, or within anything within us, or within anyone else.
This is like the journey of the apple seed through the apple tree into the apple seed, and the journey of the apple tree through the apple seed into the apple tree. Each is always happening within the other. Each is always revealing the other while hiding itself within the other. Each is always waiting within the other to reveal itself, and having revealed itself to then reveal the other, and in revealing the other to hide itself within the other. And as such they are One. One within the other as one. One revealing the other within it. One hiding itself within the other as it reveals the other.
This is true prayer. The prayer of the One to the One who Is. The prayer of Man-God/Man-God, the prayer of Allahu Ill Allahu.
In this way, the apple tree is always happening within the apple seed, just waiting to be revealed, and the apple seed is always happening within an apple tree, just waiting to be revealed, both always waiting for the other to awaken to this reality within it, each always waiting for the other to germinate and reveal the other, and hide itself within the other.
In this way, nothing else is ever really happening within us, or within anything or anyone, True Man is happening within God and God is happening within True Man, or said another way, everything else within us is designed by God to allow this to happen within us, when we but realize it and join it, or said another way, the purpose of everything else within us other than this is so this can happen within us, so True Man is revealed within God, and God is revealed within True Man, when we finally awaken to this reality within us, when we have realized, understood, accepted, and joined with this reality within us, without the slightest doubt.
Everything else that seems to be happening, everything else within us, is a dream. Everything else other than this is but a distraction from this, or is but a reflection of this, or is but a holding pattern just waiting for this to happen. Only this will work within us, only this reality, only this will actually move things forward within us or within anyone else, because only this is true, only this is really happening within us, only this can happen within us, only this can happen within us or within anything or anyone else, and everything else within us is but a refection of this happening within us, everything else is but a finger pointing to this happening within us.
In this way, everything else is false, everything else is the falsehood covering this truth, everything else is not really happening, or said another way, everything else is only happening as part of a dream of this happening, or a reflection of this happening, or everything else is only happening because this is not yet ready to happen, or something else has to happen first.
This is like the new apple tree, that first appears as what is hidden within the apple seed, which is itself hidden within the mature apple, which is itself still attached to the apple tree, and then this same new apple tree, next appears as what is hidden within the apple seed, that has now appeared from within the apple, and is itself now buried within the earth.
In this way, the apple tree becomes hidden within the apple seed within the earth, just waiting for the apple seed to realize the truth about itself, the truth that it is an apple seed, that it is the seed of something else, and that it is not something separate from the earth, or the apple tree, or the apple fruit.
The truth that it is living within the earth, the truth that it is the seed of something else, the truth that it is the seed of an apple tree, a seed that will germinate when it surrenders to the truth about itself, the truth about itself and the earth, not protect itself from the earth, the truth that it is buried within the earth, the truth that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple seed to germinate and for the apple tree within it to grow and come to maturity within the earth, revealing the apple fruit within it.
And having awakened to this reality about itself, allowing the earth surrounding it to also awaken to the same reality, and through this mutual awareness, to join in partnership with the earth that surrounds it, to germinate, to join with the earth to destroy itself as an apple seed, and to reveal the apple tree within it, the apple tree within it, which when it comes to maturity, and awakens to its reality, that it is an apple tree, and as such that it is the seed of something else, that it is the seed of the apple fruit, joins with the earth that holds it roots, and with the sky that nourishes its leaves, to reveal the apple fruit hidden within it, and hidden within that mature apple fruit is again the apple seed, and hidden with it is again the apple tree.
Such is the nature of the path of God - the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within God, man within the creations of God, True Man within man, and God within True Man, one within the other as one, one revealing the other within it, while hiding itself within the other being revealed.
Such is the nature of the path of God - awareness, our gradual awakening to our true destiny over our false destiny, to our life over our death.
"Life is the victory of wisdom reasoning over fate."
Such is the nature of true prayer, my dearest loving sister Aziza, moving forward by telling the story of man within the story of God within us, move forward by telling the story of God within the story of man within us. This is true prayer. Joining with this reality within us is true prayer, not anything that "you" or "I" do separate from this reality.
In this way, true prayer is joining with God within us, by joining with True Man within us, which is joining with the life and teaching of His Holiness within us, and in this way, by joining with man within us, which in maturity is Muhammad (Sal.), and with the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us, which when harvested by God and True Man within us, becomes the Holy Qur'an within us, the light of God to the world.
In this way, true prayer is joining with His Holiness within us, to destroy "us" as separate from God within us, as separate from True Man within us, as separate from man within us, and as separate from the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us, revealing within us the oneness God and His creations, the oneness of the creations of God and man, the oneness of True Man and man, and the oneness of God and True Man.
My dearest loving sister Aziza, only by joining with His Holiness to reveal what is hidden by God within each of us, to reveal what is just waiting to happen within each of us, which is just waiting to be revealed within each of us, which is the oneness of man and God, will we ever find peace and tranquillity in our life. And only by finding this peace and tranquillity in our own life can we ever help anyone else, can we ever be of help or be of value to our brothers and sisters, or can we ever help or be of value to any group, religion, family, friends, country, or the world.
My love you my dearest loving sisters Aziza, may God's peace, beneficence, and blessings be upon all of us.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
Please forgive me if there are any faults in any of these words, the intent is always to share what is growing within the heart of this child, living at the feet of His Holiness, not to offend anyone. We are all little children. Only God is great. All praise and praising belongs to God and God alone. And as His Holiness says at the end of the "Forward" to the new book, "The Pearl of Wisdom or Guru Mani",
"Forgive we the wrong and accept the good. So I request."
Please give my love and salams to your husband Elliott, and to your sons. They are always in my love, my heart, and my prayers.
My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
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