- Spiritual Letter 08 - "Only God Is Good" Page 6 of 7
Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) on the 18th thru the 24th of October, 2001 to Aziza (Bitsy Weiss) Wisdom Point: His Holiness, "There Are No Good People, Only God Is Good"
Outline of This Letter:
Text of This Letter: 1. Opening Prayer
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. Al-hamdu lillah. In sha 'allah, ma sha 'allah. Tawakkal-Allah. Allahumma labbaik.
In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. All praise and praising belong to God and to God alone. If God so wills, whatever God wills. I place my trust in God, and in God alone, and am obedient to His will, and to His will alone.
May all responsibility be given to Allah, the One who is limitless grace, and incomparable love, the One who gives us His blessings. 2. The Lives of Darkness Within Us Become The Suffering of The Grave
My dearest loving sister Aziza, His Holiness teaches us that when we die all the lives of separation and differences, all of the lives of darkness that we have given life to and nourished during our life of separation and differences in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, and that we have not brought to justice within us, in partnership with God, in partnership with God within His Holiness within us, will not die when we die.
Instead, as a result of our death in the world of illusion, since we can no longer feed the lives of darkness that have grown within us, they become very hungry, and they take their complaint to God. They go to God and tell God that they are hungry, and ask God why He has stopped feeding them. And God tells them that He did not create them, nor has He ever fed them.
God tells them that "we" are the ones who created them and fed them, during our life in the world of illusion. God tells them that 'we" as the Children of God, in ignorance of who we are, in ignorance of who God is, and in ignorance of our true relationship with God, have given birth to these lives of darkness within us, and have become one with them, thinking in our ignorance that their lives are our life.
In this way, God tells them that "we" are the ones who created them, "we" are the ones who gave birth to them, and "we" are the ones who fed them during our life of separation and differences in the world of illusion that "we" see as existing "outside" of us.
And God instructs them to take there complaint to "us", to His Children, not to Him, not to God. God tells them to take their complaint to the ones who created and fed them, to the ones who have now stopped feeding them.
And this is just what they do. They do what God told them to do. These lives of darkness bring there complaint to us in our grave, and since we can no longer feed them in the world of illusion, through our life in the world of illusion, because we have died to the world of illusion, then they set about eating "us" in our grave. His Holiness teaches us that this is the true source, the true meaning, of our suffering in the grave.
Therefore, our life in the world of drama, our life of separation and differences in the world that we see "outside" of us, and the lives of darkness that we in our ignorance of ourselves and God have allowed to grow over our soul, have allowed to take over our true life, take over the life of God within us, becomes the suffering in our grave, and become our life of darkness for eternity in Akhirah.
And it all naturally happens within us through our living a life in ignorance of "who we are", of "who God is", and of "the true relationship between man and God", and it all naturally becomes within us the life that will end up separating us from God for eternity, the life of separation and differences, the life within the 7 hells that we will live as one with, both in this world of illusion, in the grave, and for eternity in the hereafter, in Akhirah.
This is the life that we are building within us, with each look of separation, with each sound, smell, taste, and touch of separation, with each thought, and intention of separation. These are the lives of separation and differences within us that we have given birth to, raised, nourished, and brought to maturity within us, in our ignorance of our true selves and of God.
This is what we have done with our time in the illusory world that God has given us. This is what we have done while living in the dream of the dunya, while living on the island of hell within the dunya, the island of hell that we now call our home, that we now call our family, our wife and our children, our friends, our co-workers, that we now call our town, our village, our group, our business, our religion, our country, and our world.
And my dearest loving sister Aziza, we must realize without the slightest doubt that God has not done this to us to punish us, or to burden us, or to test us. No, this is what we have done to ourselves. This is what we have done with the gift that God has given us, the gift of everything that He is and has. This is how we have used what God has given us.
We have built a life separate from God, separate from all of the brothers and sisters that have been born with us, and separate from all of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us.
This is what we have done to ourselves. This is in no way what God has done to us. Because we could have used our time differently, we could have used what God gave to us to build a life of oneness with God, a life of oneness with all of the brothers and sisters that were born with us, and a life of oneness with all of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us.
But most of us have chosen to stay separate from God, to stay separate from all of our brothers and sisters that were born with us, and to stay separate from all of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us.
Most of us have made that choice, we have chosen separation from God, which is hell, and unless we change our choice, and in the time left to us, choose oneness with God, choose to join with God, choose to join with God within His Holiness within us, choose to join with the life and teaching of His Holiness within us, then when we die, if we have chosen separation from God, then we will experience the justice of God related to that choice.
Such is the justice of God, for as His Holiness teaches us,
"The justice of God is that whatever you intend is what you receive."
So if we intend and nourish a life of separation and differences while living in this illusory world that "we" see "outside" of us, a life of darkness, a life of separation and differences, then that is what we will get for eternity.
For His Holiness teaches us that
"The house that you build in this short temporary life in the world of illusion is the house that you will get forever in the next world, either heaven or hell".
3. The Rest of Page 6 - but without an outline
And if through wisdom, by joining in partnership with His Holiness, we get and come to understand the 7 heavens and the 7 hells within us, that God created and placed with each of us, and as Muhammad (Sal.), as the form of the Kalimah, as the 24 letters of the 28 letters of man, as the consciousness of iman, we close down the 7 hells within us, and bring the 7 heavens to maturity within us, as the 8th heaven, as Firdaus, as the Kingdom of God within us, as the refection of the light of God within the Purified Heart within us, as reflected in the face, as Iman-Islam, then that is what we get.
And within that 8th heaven, within Firdaus, within the Kingdom of God, if we go in search of and find God, as Muhammad (Sal.) on Mi'raj, as the Nur Muhammad communing with Allah Muhammad, as the Love Song between His Holiness and God, as the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an, becoming Insan Muhammad, becoming the 28th letter of the 28 letters of man, becoming again the letter of shukur, of contentment and gratitude, that was plucked out of Adam (A.S.) by Gabriel (A.S.) with the spit of satan. And if we do that work within us, as the Nur Muhammad within us, in partnership with God within us, as Allah Muhammad within us, then that is what we will get.
And within the 28 letters of man is the secret form of the truth of Allah, the 5 letters of Alhamd - alif, lam, mim, hay, and dahl - the 5 letter form of the Suratal Fatihah within us. And if we do that work as Alhamd within us, in partnership with God within us, as the Qutb of God within us, then that is what we will get.
And within the Alhamd are the three letters of alif, lam, min, and as His Holiness teaches us in "The Kalimah Song", 4/26/72,
"In a state of expansion, alif, lam, mim, and the Triple Flame that has become clear, become the Ruh, the Wisdom, and the Nur in a most mysterious form of grace."
"That form of grace becoming Wisdom, Wisdom becoming the Nur, and the Nur will become God".
And if we do that work as the Qutb of God within us, in partnership with God within us, as the Nur of God within us, then that is what we will get.
And within God is the oneness of man and God. And if we do that work as True Man within God within us, in partnership with God, as God within True Man within us, then that is what we will get. What could be more just.
My dearest loving sister Aziza, may we both spend some time reflecting on these beautiful words of wisdom, and may we both do our reflecting with His Holiness, not alone, may we both do our reflecting at the feet of His Holiness.
And if we do this, if all of us do this divine work, if we use the life and teaching of His Holiness to build a personal relationship with His Holiness, then this life and teaching of His Holiness will bring us peace and tranquility both in this world and in the next world, this life and teaching of His Holiness will make us very peaceful about the things that appear to be happening in the illusory world around us, no matter what it is, and no matter how difficult or troubling it might first appear to be.
For we will begin to gradually appreciate, more and more, that all that is happening to us is but a gift from God, and we will praise God more and more for all of it. And ever so gradually we will begin to become peaceful about our ending, realizing like the apple seed, that we are all the seed of something else, and that something else is the oneness of man and God, and that only in our true ending, in the ending of the life of separation and differences that God has given us, is there a true beginning, will we become one with God, from which we all came, will we experience the life of oneness and unity which God is always ready to give us.
My dearest loving sister Aziza, we must realize, without the slightest doubt, that God can only give us the life of "oneness and unity" when we are done with the life of "separation and differences" that He gave us. That is just the way it works. As long as we continue to play around with our life in the world of illusion, the life that we see as "outside" of us, as long as we don't tell God to destroy us, and reveal God, to destroy the life of separation and differences that God gave us, and reveal the life of oneness with God that God has also given us, then what can God do.
As long as we don't tell God, with each look, sound, smell, taste, touch, thought, intention, word and action, to destroy this "outside" life within us, this false life within us, this life of separation and differences within us, and reveal the "inside" life within, reveal our real life within us, the life of the oneness and unity of God within us, then God just waits.
We must come to the point of faith and clarity in our life where we tell God to destroy "us" and reveal "Him", where we tell God to destroy "us as separate from Him, and Him as separate from us", and reveal "us as one with Him and Him as one with us", where we tell God to destroy the life of separation and differences that He has given us, and reveal the life of oneness and unity, the life of justice and truth, the life of compassion and unity that God has also given us.
The choice is ours, not God's. God has already made His choice, and His choice is Oneness with us. Now it is our turn, to choose either separation from God, or oneness with God. We must make a choice. We cannot have both. We cannot have both heaven and hell, but we can have both heaven and God.
And everything in our life is designed by God to help us make this choice, to help us choose oneness with God over separation from God, to help us choose oneness with our brothers and sisters who have been born with us over separation from them, and to help us choose oneness with all of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us over separation from them.
For as His Holiness teaches us,
"Our entire life and everything that happens to us is meant to correct us, to improve us. Any suffering that befalls us is meant to help us go one step forward."
"As long as we have absolute certitude in God, then no matter what dangers, difficulties, trouble, and suffering come to us, they will only make us forward. These things help us to progress, to go forward on the path."
Never forget your goal (which is to reveal God). Therefore if you receive a blow on the back that is a signal to more forward some more, that is a sign to progress."
---- beginning of quotation by His Holiness ----
"Man appearing on this earth , forgets God and falls into many a trap. He does not know to seek himself, although God exists within man. This 'Guru Mani' (Pearl of Wisdom) is to explain this concept in detail .
Oh my beautiful brethren, take in every word of the secrecy of 'Guru Mani' with your capacity to understand and entrench it in your heart.
It will remove the sorrows of your birth and be of assistance to you. Absorb every word into your clear tranquil heart with incisive feeling and make it into a form.
Seek to know with clarity the Primal One who stands in stately grace. Face the personal interview test of the Primal One with clarity. Know the manner of the elegant twenty eight letters that form the parts of the human body.
Know the glory of the human form and realize the greater bliss of reaching the Primal One.
Know the esteemed state of the Lone One. Use your wisdom and separate individually the six (kinds of)consciousness. Remove the wasteful substance and make the remedy that shows the immanent Primal Being's beauteous substance which provides joy in this world and in the hereafter, and causes the flood of compassion to beat against the shore.
Realize this with a melting heart. You will get rid of the sixty four evils and destroy the inherited three evils that follow you. The vast sea of sorrow will disappear. May the courageous beings read 'Guru Mani' with determination.
O my dear children, be informed that this 'Guru Mani' will reduce into matchwood the evils that follow you and the evils that spread. It will erase the residue of committed sins. These graceful words of the Guru are ancient and glorious words. They will tear the entirety of your sins.
O my children, as precious to me as my eyes, learn the six tastes of the 'Guru Mani'. Be clarified. Be aware. Feel. Conduct yourself with enlightenment.
Separate each section, individually. Contemplate in solitude. Each section will reveal and illuminate the truth. Kindle the light of your heart in silence. Forget yourself. Speak and lose yourself, talking alone with intensity. Say, 'He is One'. Your soul will elevate itself.
These are gracious words emerging from the tongue of humble Bawa, the unclean stinking corpse, without his will and without his knowledge. However, these are words of reason, justice, and virtue. They have the grace of the Primal One.
If there are any faults or flaws in these words coming from the tongue of this humble sinful Bawa, bear with me, my brothers who read this, who listen, and who contemplate. Bear with me for the sake of the Primal One, for the sake of Allah.
Forgive me if there are any faults in the words, in the songs, and in the meaning of the words of this humble Bawa, the lowest of all creations, worse than the dust and the fiber thrown away by the Primal One. Let those who are knowledgeable correct any faults. Forgive me the wrong and accept the good. So I request.
My brothers who accept 'Guru Mani', which this poor ignorant Bawa sang, and who read it with clarity are the Creator's beings of grace. They are the great beings of this world. May Allah's grace be upon them."
---- end of quotation by His Holiness ----
In this way, my dearest loving sister Aziza, we must join with His Holiness to make ourselves into the form of Iman, which is the form of the Kalimah, which is 24 of the 28 letters of man, which is Muhammad [Sal.], which is the spiritual stage of Tariqat. Then becoming the 25th letter or the Nur Muhammad, joining with God in Mi'raj, which is the spiritual stage of Haqiqat. Then becoming the 28th letters or Insan Muhammad, which is the form of Iman-Islam, the form of the Holy Qur'an within our qalb or innermost heart, which is the spiritual stage of Marifat. Then becoming the secret form of the Truth of Allah, the form of the Suratal Fatihah, the five letters of Alhamd - alif, lam, meem, hay, and dahl - which is the spiritual stage of Sufiyyat, where one prays without praying.
In this way, we must realize that this life of darkness within us, that has grown over our soul life, over the Light Life within us, will always try to get us to answer all of our questions, and resolve all of our problems, by looking at them through our ignorance, by looking at them through our mind and desire, through the illusory world that "we see "outside" of "us".
And through this deception, these lives of darkness within us will always try to separate us from our brothers and sisters that we see as existing "outside" of us, in the illusory world around us, from all of our brothers and sisters that are in truth "inside" of us as the 1000 generosities of God, and they will always try to separate us from all of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes, that in truth live "inside" of us.
In this way, these lives of darkness within us, try to keep us occupied "outside", focused on what is happening "outside" of us, rather than allowing us to look at ourselves through wisdom, rather than allowing us to look within ourselves, joining with God, joining with God within His Holiness within us, to correct ourselves, to correct the lives of darkness within us, by joining in partnership with the life and teaching of His Holiness within us, by joining in partnership with the lives of purity that live within our purified heart, the lives of God within us that are nourished and grow within us through our Iman or Perfect faith, through the understanding of God within the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an within us, and through the grace, wisdom, and 'ilm or divine knowledge of God within us.
We must realize without the slightest doubt that this Holy Qur'an within us, comes to maturity within us through the heart of His Holiness joined with our heart, and that the seven levels of wisdom within us come to maturity through the Light Life of His Holiness joined with our Light Life, through our partnership with His Holiness, through our life of oneness with His Holiness, becoming in maturity the innermost heart of a True Man or the Qalb with the seven diacritical marks that give sound and meaning to the Holy Qur'an within us.
We must also realize without the slightest doubt that this Innermost heart or Qalb of a True Man, gradually comes to maturity within us as the 28 letters of man and the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an within us, as the Ocean of 'Ilm or Divine Knowledge within us, as the Umm al-Qur'an, the living Qur'an, the mother of man's wisdom within us, eventually becomes the nourishment of God for all of the creations of God within the 18,000 universes within us, becoming the Light of God to the world within us.
My dearest loving sisters Aziza, we must realize what a life lived within our mind and desire does to us, what a life lived within the nine openings of our body - the two eyes, the two ears, the two openings of the nose, the mouth, and the two openings below - does to us, what a life lived in ignorance of the truth of "who we are", of "who God is", and of "the true relationship between man and God", does to us.
It separates us from God, it separates us from our brothers and sisters who have been born with us, in the world of souls, in this world, and in the hereafter, and it separates us from all of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us.
And we must realize what a life lived in oneness with God, in oneness with His Holiness, does to us.
It allows us to look "inside" of ourselves for the answers to all of our questions, and for the resolution to all of our problems. It allows us to join in partnership with God, by joining in partnership with His Holiness. It allows us to use what God has given to each of us for this age to be victorious in our life, which is the life and teaching of His Holiness.
It allows for the liberation of our soul and the joining of the soul with the wisdom that is surrounding the soul. It allows for removing Jesus (A.S.) within us, which is our original Pure Life, from the cross of this elemental body, by removing the 5 nails of desire for this illusory world, and for the joining of Jesus (A.S.) within us with Moses (A.S.) within us, with the Divine Analytic Wisdom of God within us.
It allows our pure life and our wisdom life to join as One within us, as the Shepherd and The Tree of God within us (see the book, "A Mystical Journey", page 9), as the Qutb of God, the wisdom of God, and the Nur of God, the Light of Wisdom within us, as the Qutb of God, as Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) and God as the Katpaha Virudcham (the wish fulfilling tree).
And having become One, to go in search of the Nur, the Light of Wisdom, the Divine Luminous Wisdom within us, and having been absorbed into the Light of the Nur, transform our elemental temporary life, the Sifat of God within us, into an Eternal Light Life, into the Sirr or Secret of God within us, revealing the Dhat or essence of God's grace within us, thereby transforming the Nur Muhammad into Allah Muhammad, and in this way, revealing the Oneness of True Man and God.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
My dearest loving sister Aziza, in this way, we must learn to join in partnership with His Holiness to close down the world of hell within us, realizing that this world of hell, this world of separation and differences within us that we see in our ignorance as "outside of us" is the false answer to the question "Who is man?", allowing us to re-open the world of souls within us, which is the original world of purity or Iman within us, realizing that this world of souls, this world of purity within us, seen through our wisdom, seen through the eyes of our Shaikh, seen through our expanded consciousness as the 99 wilayats or powers of God, is the correct answer to the question "Who is man?".
And finally, allowing us to open the kingdom of God within us, the 8th Heaven or Firdaus of God within us, the world of Iman-Islam within us, the open heart of a True Man within us that reflects the Light of God into the world of darkness within us, for the benefit of all of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us, realizing that this is the only way to reach the correct answer to the question "Who is God?", and "What is the relationship between man and God?".
In this way, looking through our closed heart, looking through our mind and desire, looking through the lives of separations and differences that have grown within us, looking through the lives of selfishness that live in the nine openings of our body, for the answers to our questions and for the resolution to our problems, we will never find peace with September 11th, October 7th, or with anything similar to it that may happen in the future.
And more importantly, by continuing to look at the illusory world that has grown within us through these same illusory things, by continuing to see the illusion that has grown within us as the real world "outside" of "us", by looking through the things discarded by God at the things discarded by God, rather than looking at God through God Himself, rather than looking at the things of God through the things of God that God has placed within us, we will never liberate our soul from the lives of separation and differences that keep our soul nailed to the cross of this elemental body, allowing them to sin, allowing them to live in darkness, we will never liberate our soul from the "false life" that we are currently experiencing as "who we are", we will never reach God, nor will we ever again become One with God, from which each of us originally came.
This is really what is at stake, the liberation of our soul and our eternal life in the hereafter, not what we are currently seeing or experiencing in the illusory world that "we" see as existing "outside" of us.
So, my dearest loving sister Aziza, may we both try to let go of what we see and hear in the world around us, and spend more time with God, spend more time with the life and teaching of His Holiness, with our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
There is really no other way to obtain the liberation of our soul, and through that liberated soul, joined with our wisdom, become a true slave of God, making our life eternal, and in this way becoming again one with God, but this time with an understanding of who we already are, an understanding of who God already is, and an understanding of the true relationship between man and God that already exists within us, and an understanding of the true relationship between man, God, and all of the creations of God, in the 18,000 universes within man and within God and within God and within man.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
As we go forward on the path of God, we must always keep in mind that if we have Allah, if we use what God has given us for this age properly, which is the life and teaching of His Holiness, then there is nothing to ever fear. For as His Holiness teaches us, "If you have fear you do not have Allah. If you have Allah you do not have fear."
We must realize without the slightest doubt that we are all sitting on God's lap, which for this age is His Holiness, and God is the one who is conducting our life, not us.
We must realize without the slightest doubt that this is just the school that we have come to in order to understand who we already are, who God already is, and who the creations of God already are. It is not a place to solve, it is not a place to correct, because there is nothing wrong here. It is just the world of illusion, the world of separation and differences that naturally grown over our soul when we are in ignorance of ourselves, as it is suppose to, so that through contrast, we can understand the life of the Sirr, the essence of creation, which is our eternal life, thereby transcending the Sifat, the form of creation, which is our temporary life, and become the Dhat, the essence of God's grace.
In this way, and only in this way, can we transcend the Sifat, the elemental form of creation, the life of separation and differences that we are currently experiencing as "who we are".
Only in this way can we transcend the lives that live within the dot under the Arabic letter "ba", or said another way, can we join with wisdom, with His Holiness, to harvest the sukun, the circle on top of the Arabic letter "mim" from the dot under the Arabic letter "ba", can we join with His Holiness to harvest the 18,000 universes within us from the world that we currently see as being "outside" of us, and then through our relationship with God bring that harvest to maturity, first as man within the creations of God, and then as True Man within man, and then as the Oneness of God, reveal God Within True Man, allowing God to reveal True Man within God, thereby revealing the oneness of Man and God, thereby allowing the whole process to begin again, as the True Shaikh-Disciple Relationship, as the ripe apple starts again as the apple seed buried within the earth.
For His Holiness teaches us in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom or Guru Mani", in Chapter 2, "Search For God", on page 16, that there are two ways to improve ourselves while living in this world.
"If you are to live in this world (of illusion), there is a need for a woman, and if your are to (leave this world of illusion) and reach the Lord, there is a need for a Guru (a Shaikh). But a Guru is very, very hard to find."
May we both think about these wisdom points my dearest loving sisters Aziza, may we both think about them before we go off and try to save or correct the world, or get others to do the same thing, because if we do, we will only end up trying to save and correct others before we have successfully saved and corrected ourselves.
And if we do this, if we spend our time living in our mind and desires, separate from each other, separate from God, and separate from all of the creations of God within the 18,000 universes within us, instead of spending our time living as one with God, as one with His Holiness, as one with all of our brothers and sisters who in truth are within us, and as one with all of the creations of God in the 18,000 universes within us, then our life will be of no value to us or to anyone else, and we will only end up living a life of hell in this world, in our grave, and in the next world. That is certain.
End of Page 6 of 7 of Spiritual Letter 08 - outline & summary version - .....................................
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My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)